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(석사 장학금) Bard College CEP, LIASE 장학금
게시글 내용


Bard College CEP(Center for Environmental Policy)의 환경정책분야, 환경교육분야 석사과정 장학금 안내가 있어 전달드립니다.

환경 분야에 관심있으신 학생께서는 아래 전달드리는 내용을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.



Graduate Scholarships for Students 

from China / Japan / Korea 


MS: Environmental Policy or Climate Science and Policy 

M.Ed: Environmental Education 

Henry Luce Foundation Scholarships are available for students from East Asia (China, Japan or South Korea) to complete a Masters Degree through the Center for Environmental Policy at Bard College in New York starting August 2018. Degree options are: (1) Master of Science in Environmental Policy; (2) Master of Science in Climate Science and Policy; (3) Master of Education in Environmental Education.

The LIASE Scholarships (Luce Initiative for Asian Studies and the Environment) provide a tuition waiver of up to 100% in the first year, and at least 50% of tuition in the second year. LIASE Scholarship applicants must be citizens of one of China, Japan or South Korea, and must have a demonstrated interest in environmental policy in their region.

For more information, contact Ms Caitlin O’Donnell at codonnel@bard.edu or please visit:

